This current era stands out as one of the most challenging seasons for Minnesota’s dance community. For many, including Ballet Co.Laboratory, arts funding is more scarce now than during the pandemic. 

What has changed? The performing arts have been taken for granted. Since the pandemic, several of our hometown Fortune 500 companies have drastically decreased or cut their arts funding completely. This has resulted in a devastating impact on the vibrancy and sustainability of our local arts community. 

The lack of community support has led to the closure of local theaters, the disbandment of dance organizations, and shortened performance seasons. As a result, artists, arts administrators, and theater technicians in our community are losing their jobs, prompting them to leave Minnesota. This is altering our cultural landscape for generations to come. 

The time is now. We urgently need your support to prevent a further decline in our funding. Please don’t wait to show your support. Your donation will make a crucial difference as we continue our work to nurture dance students, support professional artists, and create new, innovative ballet works.